Origin Moko JumbiesSaturday September 19, 2020
11am-4pm Live from Darlington Town Centre Performance by Origin Moko Jumbies, an ensemble based in Newcastle upon Tyne that walk and dance stilts in the tradition of “Moko Jumbie”, a traditional art-form from the Caribbean. Origin Moko Jumbies is a group based in Newcastle upon Tyne. They walk and dance stilts in the tradition of “Moko Jumbie”, a traditional art-form from the Caribbean. The underlying ethos is that the Moko Jumbie carries a protective spirit which followed the slaves as they crossed the Atlantic from Africa to the New World. Led by designer, Alan Vaughan, the current Traditional Mas Moko Jumbie champion in Trinidad, they costume themselves and present different “mas” presentations which can be inspired by literature, politics, folk-tales and African spirituality.